Meditation Magic

Meditation Magic

Connection with the magic of the seasons

Special events to take you on a journey of your inner magic and into beautiful settings in woodlands and gardens to connect to the elements of earth, air, fire and water.
Join with uplifting meditation and celebration of the seasons. Honour the turning of the Celtic wheel as we align our gatherings to the time of year in gentle ceremony. From the cold darkness of Samhain and Yule to the joyous playfulness of Summer Solstice and Lammas. 
Wrap up warm and connect to the magic in you and of the time of year.   

When you can't make a physical meet up, you can be part of magical online offerings to remind you of that important connection to the elements and land around us.

Next events for celebrating the seasons

Outdoor celebration of the Autumn Equinox, with fire ceremony, cacao meditation and refreshments under the woodland canopy and outdoor shelters. The experience is a mix of active meditation and connection to the Celtic Festival Mabon. In the beautiful setting of Path Hill on the Hardwick Estate, this is a time to celebrate your harvests and your successes and burn upon the fire the challenges that have blocked your way.

Keeping you safe 

Online events are also offered to help those further away or anyone who is uncertain about meeting face to face - or just for can't make the journey at this time.  They also enable us to connect with our tribe around the world.

Face to face events are at our safe woodland venues in South Oxfordshire and Berkshire and at spacious studio settings across Berkshire.  We monitor and update our practices with all covid and safety guidelines and aim for small groups for added personalisation and spacious feeling of safety.

At Luci's and Beech Hill we have the use of spacious studios indoor comforts and garden spaces and at Path Hill and Whiteheart Grove we are outside at all times - although there are open sided shelters to give some protection from rain.  Woodland/outdoor venues have compost toilets and hand washing facilities. Anti-viral hand sanitiser is also provided.  Please respect that while some guests are comfortable to be close, others prefer to socially distance.

If you have any queries please do ask by getting in touch.

Read up about other events and the meditation magic of different times.

Samhain     Yule      Imbolc     Ostara   Beltane  Summer Solstice      Lammas        Mabon 

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